praise Allah…

but first tie your camel to a post. This picture was taken 4 leap years ago, in 2008, during a trip to and through the Sahara.

what i’m reading

Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer I’ve been reading this book for quite some time — for some reason, I took a longer break, then returned to it, determined to finish it. (An odd reason…

Welcome 2024

A new year has begun. The twelvemonth of 2023 is over. In many, very obvious ways, it was a strife-ful year. Yet again. Some of its lessons were harsh, some of its joys tainted, but…


Look at these funghi – a spiral staircase for the fairies…a voluptuous eruption from a tree stump… A week earlier, there was no trace of them, then suddenly, they were in full bloom.