praise Allah…
but first tie your camel to a post. This picture was taken 4 leap years ago, in 2008, during a trip to and through the Sahara.
but first tie your camel to a post. This picture was taken 4 leap years ago, in 2008, during a trip to and through the Sahara.
A new year has begun. The twelvemonth of 2023 is over. In many, very obvious ways, it was a strife-ful year. Yet again. Some of its lessons were harsh, some of its joys tainted, but…
Aging has been on my mind of late, for various reasons. And I’ve become a little allergic to people fussing about growing old. Of course aches, pains, loss of various functions are hard to bear….
It recently came to my attention that the root of the word “radical” is, um, “root.” More precisely, it’s “radix,” which means “root” in Latin. I find it intriguing, as I generally think of radical…
Fribourg graffiti – it tickled me, so I thought I’d share.
Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks This is a soothing book for those of us who feel we have so much to do that we’ll never get it all done. Soothing, because, well – guess what?…
What a gorgeous, gorgeous place the Reuss valley and region is. Full of secrets and magic.
Empathy has been a big word in the past few years, and there’s something about its usage that troubles me a little. What is empathy exactly? What can it accomplish? Why does it seem – to…