august thoughts
August, noun: the eight month of the year, the end of summer
August, adjective: dignified, stately
August, noun: the eight month of the year, the end of summer
August, adjective: dignified, stately
a wintery picnic
scenes from 2020
solstice and Christmas thoughts
Not till we are completely lost, or turned around … do we appreciate the vastness and strangeness of Nature
…it sank like a feather falls,
not in full possession of its weight.
Look at these funghi – a spiral staircase for the fairies…a voluptuous eruption from a tree stump… A week earlier, there was no trace of them, then suddenly, they were in full bloom.
nature’s jewels
thoughts and feelings
To Leave with the Reindeer, by Olivia Rosenthal, translated by Sophie Lewis