Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks
This is a soothing book for those of us who feel we have so much to do that we’ll never get it all done. Soothing, because, well – guess what? Nobody can get it all done. Forget it, really. It’s impossible. Stop even trying.
(In a way, it feels like a little bit of permission to do what I want.)
In all, the book is full of interesting observations at how “we” (overachievers? control freaks? general neurotics?) put ourselves under pressure to squeeze the most out of life, with the end result being that we’re totally anxious.
There are many gems, but I’ll just point out one. At the end of the book, the author quotes C.G. Jung and his advice when we are feeling anxious about what we can/should/want to do:
sit quietly do the next and most necessary thing.
So: what’s your next and most necessary thing?
(Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash)